Sometimes things come into our lives to remind us what it’s all about…
I was feeling very sorry for myself this morning as I have pneumonia, and had to take Sam for a walk – And it was very cold (well, in Florida standards).
As we were walking I saw a butterfly on the road. I picked it up and it grabbed hold to my glove. I could see it lost a limb, and couldn’t find the balance to take flight again. So I took it home. Its been sitting on my glove this whole day, flickering its wings occasionally and will probably not make it through the night. But I lit the fire place, and Sam, the butterfly and myself are enjoying the warm fire and the quite serenity. Even if it’s the butterfly’s last day – at least it’s an enjoyable, peaceful one.
It’s a Monarch butterfly, and therefore has a special place in my heart – and one tattooed on my right ankle. If you don’t know the story of these amazing butterflies you can read all about them on World Wildlife Fund, which is also where you can adopt a Monarch butterfly. Not for real, like I did today, but your donation will help preserve this almost extinct amazing species.
About a year ago I donated, and have a “certificate of adoption” from WWF. Today I truly adopted a Monarch, and it worms my heart that I was able to be here for this beautiful, delicate creature. If you want a meaningful holiday gift this year I highly recommend “adopting” though the WWF site. It’s a wonderful gift to anyone, and you receive an adoption certificate, a brief description of the species and a photograph.
To me, the Monarch butterfly story is the story of my life, and I find ongoing inspiration in these little creatures.
So not Pneumonia, not how cold it is outside, or that I have to walk the dog – none of that really matters. But the Monarch butterfly inspiring story - that is what life is about.
On the same note – thank you to everyone who participated in the “Operation Smile” portrait event. I just mailed off your donations check and am very proud to have incredible clients such as yourselves - thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone
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