Just shot an the live show of an Israeli rock group called "Hatikvah 6" at a local club in Tel Aviv. Shot this for a local TV show called "local noise". This is the link to the complete gallery
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Hatikva 6
Just shot an the live show of an Israeli rock group called "Hatikvah 6" at a local club in Tel Aviv. Shot this for a local TV show called "local noise". This is the link to the complete gallery
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Just photographed a karate group for their new web site. We had a great session on the beach, started shooting as the sun was getting ready to set. With some careful planning managed to get some beautiful sunset shots, and post sunset using the very last light of the day, they all got in the water and we had some "wet pictures" fun.
Since sunset is one of the quickest changing light situations, it was very helpful that the gang was ready to go with perfect timing and professionalism.
These are some of my favorites from the shoot. Once the karate group's new site will go live I'll post the link to it.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Had such a blast photographing for the Azrieli Group magazine quarterly issue this time. Azrieli Towers CEO, Mr. Reshef, was looking for a new product shoot concept. based on his idea, found myself standing in the Azrieli Towers elevators, asking unsuspecting employees to model a product for me. Luckily, I found many willing participants, and got some great shots.
we were looking for a fresh fashion concept as well, and I was reminded of the "Free hug" video I saw. If you haven't seen it, its great, check it out on you Tube "free hug". I suggested it as our fashion concept, and we decided it was a "go". With the assistance of the magazine Producer Inbal from Paprika, we got the models and the fashion together, and walked them out on the bridge with the sign "free hug". It was received wonderfully, as the pictures tell the story better than any words can: Soldiers, kids, and senior citizens hugging our models - and creating some great moments captured on camera.
One funny story: The other side of the bridge leads to a very secured military location in Israel. I was shooting all the way on the other side of the bridge, I couldn't even see the facility from where we were standing. Never the less, sure enough, a couple of moments after the shutter started clicking, I saw secret service men running towards me. We had to pause the shoot until security cleared us, and gave us permission to keep on shooting - with one secret service man over looking my shoulder the whole time, making sure I'm only photographing what's
allowed.:-) That's quite alright, I'm happy they are s careful, that's how they keep us safe.
One last note - reminding any one who is interested in the 5 days photography seminar in Moscow to sign up, spots are limited.
To sign up either contact me or click here
היה כזה כיף לצלם עבור המגזין של קבוצת עזריאלי לראש השנה. מנכ"ל מגדלי עזריאלי,
מר רשף, חיפש רעיון רעיון חדש ומקורי לצילום מוצרים. בהתבסס על הרעיון היצירתי שלו, מצאתי את עצמי עומדת באחת המעליות של
מגדלי עזריאלי, מבקשת מעוברי אורח תמימים לדגמן אתהמוצרים בשבילי. למזלי, אנשים היו מאד נחמדיםת נענו בשימחה, ויצאו יופי של תמונות.
מר רשף, חיפש רעיון רעיון חדש ומקורי לצילום מוצרים. בהתבסס על הרעיון היצירתי שלו, מצאתי את עצמי עומדת באחת המעליות של
מגדלי עזריאלי, מבקשת מעוברי אורח תמימים לדגמן אתהמוצרים בשבילי. למזלי, אנשים היו מאד נחמדיםת נענו בשימחה, ויצאו יופי של תמונות.
גם לצילום האופנה חיפשנו רעיון מקורי, ונזכרתי בוידאו שראיתי "חיבוק חינם". אם
You Tube לא ראיתם אני ממליצה לחפש את הוידאו ב
You Tube לא ראיתם אני ממליצה לחפש את הוידאו ב
הצעתי את הרעיון לצילום האופנה שלנו, והחלטנו ללכת על זה. בסיועה של מפיקת המגזין ענבל מפפריקה, לקחנו דוגמנים, שלט "חיבוק חינם" ופרטי ביגוד, והצעדנו אותם על הגשר המחבר בין עזריאלי לקיריה.
זה התקבל נפלא, והתמונות שוות אלף מילים: חיילים, ילדים, וקשישים מחבקים את הדוגמנים שלנו
ויוצרים רגעים מרגשים שתועדו במצלמה.
לסיום סיפור מצחיק: בצד השני של הגשר הרי נמצאת הקיריה. צילמתי ממש צמוד לעזריאלי, לא יכולתי אפילו לראות את הקיריה היכן שעמדנו
,ובכל זאת, רגע אחרי שהתחלתי לצלם ראיתי אנשי שירות חשאי רצים לעברי. היינו צריכים לעצור את הצילומים עד שאישרו אותנו
וכמובן שהשאירו שומר אחד להציץ לי כ הזמן מעבר לכתף ולוודא שאני מצלמת רק מה שמותר:-) זה בסדר, אני שמחה שהם זהירים כאילו, ככה הם שומרים על בטחוננו.
הערה אחת לסיום - להזכיר לכל המעוניין שהסמינר צילום 5 ימים במוסקבה קורה באוקטובר. כדי להירשם,
כדי להירשם או צרו איתי קשר או לחצו בלינק הזה
לסיום סיפור מצחיק: בצד השני של הגשר הרי נמצאת הקיריה. צילמתי ממש צמוד לעזריאלי, לא יכולתי אפילו לראות את הקיריה היכן שעמדנו
,ובכל זאת, רגע אחרי שהתחלתי לצלם ראיתי אנשי שירות חשאי רצים לעברי. היינו צריכים לעצור את הצילומים עד שאישרו אותנו
וכמובן שהשאירו שומר אחד להציץ לי כ הזמן מעבר לכתף ולוודא שאני מצלמת רק מה שמותר:-) זה בסדר, אני שמחה שהם זהירים כאילו, ככה הם שומרים על בטחוננו.
הערה אחת לסיום - להזכיר לכל המעוניין שהסמינר צילום 5 ימים במוסקבה קורה באוקטובר. כדי להירשם,
כדי להירשם או צרו איתי קשר או לחצו בלינק הזה
Sunday, August 22, 2010
צילומי מוסקבה מהתערוכה הופכים לסדנת צילום MOSCOW PHOTOGRAPHY SEMINAR
תערוכת הצילומים "פעם ראשונה ברוסיה" ממשיכה לשמחתי לעשות גלים. ראשית, לאחר שהציגה בדיזינגוף סנטר ןבמרכז עזריאלי, התערוכה תציג שוב במגדל קריית הממשלה מינואר 2011 ועד מרץ 2011.
שנית, בעיקבות הצלחת התערוכה החברה הגאוגרפית הרימו את הכפפה והחליטו להוציא קורס צילום בן 5 ימים במוסקבה בהדרכתי. הקורס יוצא באוקטובר, לפרטים נווספים והרשמה לחצו כאן:
My photo exhibit "First time in Russia" is continuing "making waves". After showing in two places in Israel, it was now asked to show at a third location in January 2011.
Also, the Geographic Company of Israel has created a photography seminar tour of Moscow lead by yours truly. For more information about this five day photography seminar in Moscow please contact me, or view the link (Sorry, in Hebrew only)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
FOR ISRAEL ONLY תחרות צילום
מה שאני הכי אוהבת בתחרות הזו - שאסור לעבד את התמונות בפוטושופ...וואוו
זה משהוא שלא קרה מאז שהגיע העידן הדיגיטלי, וכמי שלמדה צילום פעם, כשעוד היה משהוא כזה שנקרא "פילם" , ופוטושופ נקרא אז "חדר חושך" נענתי בשמחה לאתגר.
אז נכון, מפריע לי שהתמונות צריכות קצת ניקיון מהלכלוכים הצפים (צריך לקחת את המצלמה לניקוי דחוף), והייתי שמחה להוסיף איזה פילטר בפוטושפ, אבל בסה"כ - היה פשוט תענוג לצלם ולדעת שזהו - מה שיוצא - זו התוצאה הסופית.
אשמח אם תעלו לאתר התחרות להצביע עבורי זה הלינק
וצריך להרשם לאתר בכדי להצביע. אבל...יהיה ממש נחמד לקבל את קולכם
And now in English...these pictures were taken at a glass sculpture exhibit for a local photo competition, here in Israel.
The link above goes to the competition site where you can vote for my pictures (the competition is based on votes, and then finally, judges). However, as much as I would love for you to vote for me the site is completely in Hebrew, so not very foreign user friendly unfortunately.
Just so you know, the idea of the competition is photography skills only - no photoshop!!!! So, this is all done in camera, no editing.
I do wish I could clean off the little camera dirt floaters, but oh well, I'll live with it. I did LOVE the challenge - remedied me of when I was a photography student, back in the days when there was film, digital was only a dream, and we walked to school, in snow, uphill - both ways :-)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
ברחובות תל אביב On the Tel Aviv Streets
כהכנה לסדנאות צילומי רחוב בשדרות רוטשילד וכרם התימנים יצאתי לעבור על מסלול הסדנא. לקחתי איתי מצלמה כמובן, ואני מוכרחה לאמר שמזמן לא נהנתי ככה. רחובות תל אביב משופעים בצבים עזים, אובייקטים מעניינים בכל פינה, והמון אופי. פשוט גן עדן לצלמים. כמעט שכחתי כמה חם בחוץ מרוב שנהנתי לצלם. אפילו שיחקתי עם חשיפה כפולה, שזה משהוא שלא עשיתי מאז שהייתי סטודנטית לצילום אני חושבת, והתמונות פשוט יצאו פנינות. מצ"ב כמה דוגמאות מהיום.
למעוניינים להצטרף לסדנאות הצילום להלן הלינקים עם האינפורמציה
In preparation for a couple of photo day courses I will be teaching was out and about on the streets of Tel Aviv with my camera handy. Just having a great time., shooting away, enjoying capturing the wonderful character of this colorful city. Even used double exposure, which I think I haven't done since my days as a photography student.
These are some sample pics from the day. If you're in town, and interested in joining the photo day courses, please contact me
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The truth about cats and dogs
Sam the dog came with me all the way from the US to Israel. Yafa the cat came with Simon all the way from Kfar Saba. And they moved into our back yard to live happily ever-after.
Well, not quite. Yafa didn't really like dogs, and was used to be the only ruler of the kingdom. Sammy loves everyone, a little too much sometimes, and wanted to play with Yafa. She wasn't as enthusiastic of the concept, and left nail marks on Sammy's wet nose every time he entered her personal space - which, at the beginning, happened on a daily bases. And poor Sam would walk around bleeding, with no playmate.
On the other hand, Yafa started loosing weight rapidly. We thought she had worms, till one night I came home early and discovered the truth. Yafa did have worms. A big worm, to be exact, named "Sam". It turns out, Sam ate her food...
As time went by, they've developed an inspiring tolerance to each other. They've even learned to combine their strong suits in order to maximize power: In the mornings, Sam pounds the back door, as Yafa waits quietly next to him. As we open the door, Sam "takes the back seat", while Yafa runs forward, me-yawing loudly and consistently, until they are both fed.
The event that really made them united was the visit of the new cat. We found a cat, and thought it would be a good idea to take it home with us. Well...I never know a cat could complain until Yafa saw the new cat. She was so upset, and nothing could comfort her. She walked around hissing, until one morning she just wasn't there. I found her on the street, and as I brought her home cradling her in my arms she was almost lifeless, me-yawing quietly and sadly. Sam didn't take the visit of the new cat as bad a Yafa did, but he sure was jealous, and would come running any time he saw us playing with the new cat.
And so we decided that "this house aint big enough for the three of us", as Yafa would probably say if she could talk, and we gave the new cat away. I cannot even describe how they both calmed down. And they now, truly, live together happily ever after.
Simon and I travel often, and every time we leave them it breaks my heart over again. They bring so much joy and love into our lives, we are very fortunate to have them. They are both quite old, so we don't have too many more years to share, but for now, every moment with them is a joy. We have a million "Kodak moments" with them, but this is by far my favorite. I call it: "And no throwing crazy parties again while we're away!!! Is that clear???"
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ostankino Palace
Would you like to come see a palace? Asked my friend Leanne who is the community liaison officer of the British Embassy in Moscow. As part of her job duties, she has to organize excursions for the British employees and family. Excursions such as going on a private tour of a palace in Moscow which is closed to the public, but will open for Leanne's excursion. What can I say? It's a hard job, but someone has to go to the palace. So, I accepted the invitation gracefully.
I can't tell you much about the Ostankino Palace, since as soon as I saw it, I stopped hearing the vivid, detailed explanations of our wonderful guide. i was consumed by how the light was hitting this very old, charming, elegant palace, and all I wanted to do was capture it on my camera.
And that is what I did. That is, until Simon asked me to "come back from the dark side" and enjoy the lecture with the rest of the group.
Since I put my camera away, I can just tell you about - but not show you - my favorite part of this very noble castle - its theater. Yes, there is a theater inside this castle, and the story behind it is better than any picture I could ever take.
As told so beautifully by our guide, the theater was built by Count Nikolai Shermetev, the castle owner. He build the theater for his lover who then became his wife - a true life Cinderella, the brilliant actress Praskovya Zhemchugova. You can read more about the castle here:
and here
To wrap this great fairy tale up, here is story you will not find on any of the castle's official sites: Out guide brought along her granddaughter, a sweet, quite little girl, who walked the palace with us patiently. I even snapped a shot of her as she was standing on the old wooden castle floors playing with her gloves (it was VERY cold in there). As we were leaving, the guide stroke her granddaughter's hair and said to us: "You know, this girl is part of your tour as well, since she is the great great granddaughter of Count Nikolai Shermetev...
Once upon a time, in a far far away Moscow, lived a little girl...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My picture chosen for exhibit representing Israel
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Images from "Dolores" magazine, Moscow
*Pictures of the show on stage taken by "DoloresMagazine" staff photographer. All other images (black & white, as well as studio)taken by me.
In this world of professional photography sometimes I shoot for a magazine, and by the time the magazine comes out a couple of months later I forget about it, and it becomes SUCH a pleasant surprise!!!
These are the images of the pages from the May issue of the "Delores" magazine, a professional hair stylists magazine published in Moscow, Russia.
The European hairstyling contest was hosted this year in the Kremlin, and I had the pleasure of photographing the "Dolores" salon hairstyle line designs created for this competition.
And look at these creations...this is all made of hair, believe it or not. And if this isn't art, I don't know what is! Beutiful, beutiful work. The hairdues and overall style was inspired by the musical "Nine", and as to be expected, the show included a song and dance number.
Shooting the "getting ready" preparations in the Kremlin dunging (see black and white pictures), and then setting up a full studio in the hallway, flashes going off as models running around in a hurry to get on stage - now that's fun photography!!!
What I didn't expect is that I would have - literally - 40 seconds with each model. Talk about pressure to "get the shot". The model walked onto the makeshift studio, posed, I took maybe three shutter clicks, and she was off to get on stage..."next!". But hey, what's important is - you wouldn't know it from the pictures...
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