Sam the dog came with me all the way from the US to Israel. Yafa the cat came with Simon all the way from Kfar Saba. And they moved into our back yard to live happily ever-after.
Well, not quite. Yafa didn't really like dogs, and was used to be the only ruler of the kingdom. Sammy loves everyone, a little too much sometimes, and wanted to play with Yafa. She wasn't as enthusiastic of the concept, and left nail marks on Sammy's wet nose every time he entered her personal space - which, at the beginning, happened on a daily bases. And poor Sam would walk around bleeding, with no playmate.
On the other hand, Yafa started loosing weight rapidly. We thought she had worms, till one night I came home early and discovered the truth. Yafa did have worms. A big worm, to be exact, named "Sam". It turns out, Sam ate her food...
As time went by, they've developed an inspiring tolerance to each other. They've even learned to combine their strong suits in order to maximize power: In the mornings, Sam pounds the back door, as Yafa waits quietly next to him. As we open the door, Sam "takes the back seat", while Yafa runs forward, me-yawing loudly and consistently, until they are both fed.
The event that really made them united was the visit of the new cat. We found a cat, and thought it would be a good idea to take it home with us. Well...I never know a cat could complain until Yafa saw the new cat. She was so upset, and nothing could comfort her. She walked around hissing, until one morning she just wasn't there. I found her on the street, and as I brought her home cradling her in my arms she was almost lifeless, me-yawing quietly and sadly. Sam didn't take the visit of the new cat as bad a Yafa did, but he sure was jealous, and would come running any time he saw us playing with the new cat.
And so we decided that "this house aint big enough for the three of us", as Yafa would probably say if she could talk, and we gave the new cat away. I cannot even describe how they both calmed down. And they now, truly, live together happily ever after.
Simon and I travel often, and every time we leave them it breaks my heart over again. They bring so much joy and love into our lives, we are very fortunate to have them. They are both quite old, so we don't have too many more years to share, but for now, every moment with them is a joy. We have a million "Kodak moments" with them, but this is by far my favorite. I call it: "And no throwing crazy parties again while we're away!!! Is that clear???"
1 comment:
Hi Rinat, very nice picture! and also an exciting story!! from Ran Afek
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