I spoke to Michelle today for the first time since I photographed her and her husband Eric’s reception (they had a destination wedding in the keys a few weeks ago). She called and was inquiring about her image CD, and made sure I had the correct address to mail it to, and wanted to know if the shots that show in black and white will be printed in black and white. We almost hung up and I said: “Michelle…did you like your pictures?...” “Oh my God!” she burst “I LOVE them! They are beautiful! I’m sorry, I was thinking of all the questions I had I forgot to say anything”.
Well…as a photographer the first thing I want to hear is that the client is happy with their images. Its funny how many of my clients don’t realize how important this feedback is to me. I put so much attention and draw on every ounce of creativeness to get them pictures they will cherish forever; nothing gives me more joy than to hear they love their pictures!
Michelle and Eric wanted some pictures of just the two of them so we met before their reception to snap a few. As soon as I saw Michelle I knew this was going to be easy. As Eric put it: “you can get great shots of her even using a disposable camera, she’s so beautiful”. I have to agree with Eric, and the way Michelle looked at him, they are so in love my job was easy as pie. If it wasn’t for the heat and humidity we probably would have stayed there all afternoon enjoying taking pictures.
Inside the reception room there was dancing and cake, and some very good friends who came to share the joy, including one of my past couples, Lindsay and Terry Griffin. It was so good to see them, they are such a sweet couple, and they were so sad to hear I was leaving back to Israel, as they said “we were looking forward to having you photograph our pregnancy pictures and all other family portraits over the years”. Hearing this brings up such mixed emotions. There is no doubt I am very sad to leave behind all my wonderful clients.
And as I was leaving I walked passed everyone jumping around dancing and being goofy just enjoying life, and I thought to myself: “family, friends, celebrations - this is what life is about”…
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