And I was not disappointed. After the official ceremonies were over, and we got through dealing with trying to take pictures during a pretty serious afternoon rain storm, the celebrations begun – and didn’t seem to be winding down four hours later as I was leaving for the night.
They had such a good time, and I loved how they knew it was their day – and they enjoyed it their style – no excuses, no traditions – just pure joy and fun.
When Ron gave Casey a lap dance after removing her garter the guest’s laughter could be heard even over the loud music. We all thought that was the craziest this evening will go – until the guy who removed the garter gave a lap dance to the girl who caught the bouquet…
What a fun night, and in the midst of all this, as I was shooting all the craziness around me, I caught Ron winking at Casey, and Casey smiling back at him their little private smile, and I knew this couple has many, many more fun years to share together!
August 17th - an email came from Casey today: "Hey Rinat! I just wanted to touch base with you, we just got back from our honeymoon and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!!! You are so amazing, and you really helped calm me down during the wedding so thank you very much for that, it meant a LOT. I heard the news about you moving back... so sad, but I hope everything is okay. Hope to talk to you real soon! XOXOXO -Casey McLaughlin-Tosi"
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